happy birthday...pong!
*You're the One*
You're the one to whom I turn
When everything seems bleak.
You're the one that listens to me,
Each time I need to speak.
You're the one I hold on to,
The one who fuels my fire.
You're the one I want to touch,
You fill me with desire.
You're the one that comforts me,
With you I want to stay.
You're the one with whom I want
To greet each brand new day.
You're the one I dream of
Each and every night.
You're the one whose arms I need
To hug and hold me tight.
You're the one that found the ME,
I thought I'd hidden well.
You're the one that taught me how
To step out of my lonely hell.
You're the one that says it's ok,
To be who I want to be.
You're the one that accepts who I am...
That lets me be just me.
You're the one I trust completely,
I hope you know that's true.
You're the one who completes my life...
Just by being you.
by: icqgreetings
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