Friday, November 07, 2003

temperature's dropping here in's about time. i love winter! of course we don't see snow here, so 50 deg is just perfect. i've been very lazy just dozing until noon time. then after eating brunch...i search the internet for cute stuff's for decorating nursery. we don't have a spare room for a nursery but baby's gonna stay with us in our room. our extra room will be for my mom when she gets here. i registered at babies'r'us already but i don't know who's throwing a baby shower for me. it would be very nice if somebody does and of course it will be unappropriate to throw one for my self. well, we'll see.
i have been searchin' about atkin's diet and pilates on the internet. i need to get on some kind of diet after givin' birth. i already gain 17 pounds, i'm hoping it's more for the baby and not extra fats. i'm wondering if dancing otso-otso would help. it's just crazy and looks so funny dancing otso-otso while pregnant. i could'ny stop laughing seeing my self on the mirror. anyway, i find aubrey miles so cute doin' that move. she still cannot dance, but she's so cute. i find her more appealing than cindy and mickey even thou they have pretty face.
i'm working this weekend and be busy the following. have a nice one!