jollibee,totally nude and helicopter ride...
vegas trip was great. 5 days of non-stop fun with my batchmates from nursing school more than a decade ago. this trip was supposedly with my hubby and baby but unfortunately i was the only one that went. i convinced my cousin dhi to come with me. i got the non-stop flight to
vegas. i bought 'the other boleyn girl' book in attempt to read on the flight. but i got a terrible headache. my flight and dhi's we got there almost the same time. i was picked up by joy, the host, my dear classmate and groupmate and goodfriend in an amg ml 350. swanky! she checked me in caesars palace but took us to old vegas for the light show the to jollibee prior. man! after more than seven years. taste just like what it taste years ago. yummy.

we hit the totally was for da boys. it was my first time. i've been to strip bars with man and woman but this is different. fun!
one of the highlights of my trip was the aerial ride to lake mead and hoover dam.
i'm trying to overcome my fear of heights. i would do it again and again.

(disregard the dates. these shot's from epoy's cam. goof ball did'nt adjust the date)
i have more vegas stories but i gotta to catch up with my show that i recorded while i was on my trip.
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