i pooted
it's so funny coz for the last 2 days, we have been cooking outside. since we don't want potential buyers to come and view the house and smell unpleasant smelling pinoy foods. so we grilled (outside) marinated beef ribs with toyomansi yesterday and today is liempo marinated with garlic and salt. um,um,um! forget about dieting now.
i have to cook food at night so to get rid of the smell by daytime. i made leche flan and chicken adobo for tomorrow. the smell of soy sauce and vinegar is just repulsive. yuk! more like frying or maybe worst. it reeks and sticks to the your clothes. thank goodness we don't have curtains and heavy upholsteries. another thing is that i have to make bed every morning, not that i don't make bed but i have to hide extra pillows we use and my favorite palengke blanket (100 pesos each and i have all colors, hehe) out of sight and then place the bed cover. the tubs, shower and toilet bowl and sink has to be sparkling. no dirty dishes, we have been actually using disposable plates and utensils. less work for me.
we already have a date for the packing and shipping of all out stuff. it's gonna be chaos!
here is arend after shower liking lolo's gift...his own robe
it took him awhile before deciding to put on his pajamas

today was nordstrom's first day of thier anniversary sale
too bad i did'nt get anything from there. well...a snapshot!

tourneau...where i'm gonna get my dream watch

arend enjoyin' the view and his animal crackers from the ralph lauren's associate
i got him 4 cute shirts and a sweater for only 150 bucks! lots of good stuff on sale.

on the background is lacoste and burberry. i bought a trench coat from burberry, my pre-winter gift for myself. cost as much as LV alma but it's so beautiful and worth-it. i'm gonna take pics when i get it on thursday, they have to make adjustments with the sleeves. it's perfect for my first winter in virginia. i'm thrilled.

cartoon network's ad...i pooted.
anyone knows what it means? ask your kids...
it's so cute. check it out...

and again, more pics of my bahay
view from the front door...

and the back of the house and patio

sorry, i can't show the closets and third bedroom. i don't wanna scare ya'all!
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