road trip
trip to houston today. yay! i think of shopping when i think of houston. on the way, arends dvd player was'nt working (piece of sh*t). so we stopped by sears and got him a new one. this time it's a cheap brand -mintek. but smart idea to get a service plan this time, so there goes my 160 bucks money for shopping. just can't imagine a 3 hour drive of him restless. i don't care(ok!) how many times the pediatricians warn me about tv addiction among kids. this is my first weekend off for more than a month. i deserve peace and quiet relaxing trip, and it was. thank goodness. ate lunch at sihn sihn in bellaire, peking duck *yum!
at the galleria, i stopped by channel, ysl, nieman marcus, saks, gucci and lv. feels like paradise.
i decided to get the lv berlingot (braging) key and change holder designed by takashi murakami, mastermind for LV's funky creations. it's so cute, i had to let go of my old monogram key holder.

in the store as i was checkin' out the inside, trying it with my key in it and everything. i took out the care instructions and tags in it then just handed it back to the sales lady. i paid and she handed the bag to me. on the way out i decided to check the bag and i noticed that she (that b*tch) just covered with tissue paper without even giving me a dust cover. went back and asked for one. then again after i left the store. i noticed she did'nt put back the care instructions and tags inside. so went back again unfortunately they got rid of it but i insisted that i want all that. (she pulled one out from another berlingot ) com'on $240 + tax, sh*t! i want all that. not that i'm gonna put it in the dust cover everytime i turn off my engine and read the care instruction book every nite before i go to sleep. but hey! i want all that! all that suppose to come with it. with frank (my fave lv associate), he would be boxing that thing (even thou it's for me and i paid for it) so i would go home and open the box, look surpise and feel like i just recieved a precious gift and feel special.
the rest of the day just spent watching ice skaters then more window shopping. on the way back we stopped by sihn sihn again for hot soup and peppered dungenous crabs. uh! sarap*
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