it beats me
i filled up and appliation for another job last monday and they had taken me for interview right away. was offered. the position i wanted was not advised, the manager thinks that i'm still a newbie for this kind of thing. she offered me a full time, with benefits and 5k bonus and work the department i requested for, even just the days i prefer - which is 3 days a week, fri-sat-sun. weekend and nights are plus six bucks. the offer is 12 bucks lower than what i'm getting paid for right now. but i don't have any kind of benefits because of my husbands. i work same days and hours.
i'm still thinking if i should back out. maybe i will not be happy where i work at now bec of new manager. i don't wanna say no then have no choice in the future. i already resigned from my part-time for 8 years not thinking that there would be any problem. i cannot go back there for another 6 months. then there's this vacation i'm taking this april and may. oh god, enlighten me.
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