Monday, March 01, 2004

10 things only another new mom could understand

1. Why you only look at yourself in the mirror from the breasts up.
2. Who to call if you need a sitter on Saturday night, a doctor on Sunday morning, or diapers at 3 a.m.
3. Why, given the choice between a night of uninterrupted sleep and a night of unbridled passion, you'd really rather have the sleep right now.
4. How taking a shower long enough to wash all the shampoo out of your hair can feel like a major life victory.
5. Why washable fabrics, packaged foods, high-action movies, fake plants, and bathing suits with skirts suddenly hold a lot more appeal.
6. Why white furniture, four-course dinners, literary novels, exotic orchids, and string bikinis suddenly hold a lot less.
7. Why you still haven't finished writing your thank-you notes.
8. How you can both love and hate your husband more than ever at the same time.
9. Why, if you're marking a special event such as your baby's first smile, 11 a.m. is certainly not too early to have a glass of champagne.
10. How a gurgly little giggle from a very small person can make you suddenly weep with joy.