Wednesday, April 19, 2006

gloomy days

summer time, vacation and my coming up birthday supposedly cheering me up but seems like bleak days are approaching. my outlook of summer has'nt change, i still suffer from summer s.a.d.
but that is not really the point. mom's chemo treatment is almost over for this course and the big question mark is...what's next???
what's next is the painful truth that her days are counted. dr kost still sticking with his word "10-12 months to live" based on his knowledge and experience with medicine and oncology. her cancer count is going down but the tumors are the same. she has a new big tumor right close the vaginal opening that was'nt there before that's causing her to bleed continously but very little where she can still do normal day to day stuff that she needs to do.
my mom's just taking it one day at a time. i see her teary eyes often that she tries to hide. i do the same but she always tells me not to cry coz it makes her loose her strength. what is really left there to do? (i always ask her) except of course be with family and loveones. my step dad is far from possible to come to the states. my brother hopefully will get his chance and that's what she prays for everynite.
no one wants to die but we all go there. she is accepting it little by little. the last time i ask her what she wants she replied that she's not gonna die yet. but today she is more specific and detailed.
what can i do? i don't know. do i hug her and kiss her? i don't remember ever doing that. i grew up knowing she was always away working. like what all single parents do, struggle to live and send their kids to school and be away to work so she can buy us what we want. she would be gone for a year or two and come back and leave again. i remember those days where i cry myself to sleep thinking and missing her. i gave her heartaches, i still do. growing with aunts and my grandma made me a different person. so cold and ungrateful. i don't know how,but i did.
she tried with her short stays during her vacation to express her love. i don't blame her, she had to do and go and be away. it was for us her kids, her love. i just wish situation was different. but hey, there's no perfect life. it did'nt make me a bad person, and i love her and thank her for all that. but i don't show it with hugs and kisses.
i remember how happy i was when she got here 2 years ago. i was thinking all this life we were always apart and finally she's living with me, wow wee! we get to do girly stuff together, shop,manicure and spas. no material things can beat my happiness being with her. but now she's sick. i wish we could do more fun stuff together but either way, i'm always here.
life is just so unfair.