stupid bluetooth moment and disney mobile
ever had an encounter with a person that you thought was talking to you then you start talking back and you come to realize that the other ear not visible to you has a bluetooth?
what's with this people running around with their bluetooth on anyway, and they think they look cool where in fact they look like a freaking robot or buzz lightyear. ugh! they look stupid. i hate it. i know i have one but i never used it.
ok, so here goes my story... i went to the grocery store and at the feminine section while picking some pantyliners. i stopped and checked out the feminine washes at the same isle and then this lady stood looking at the same direction i was looking at. and then said 'so what do you suggest?' so i started pointing at some bottles and she was like "o yea!, umhum!, ok, what else?" then continued going on and on on talking even thou i stop pointing. so as i glanced at her. i realize that she was just staring at the items and not even looking to where i was pointing. i realized that she was on her bluetooth. i don't even think that she knew i was suggesting stuff from pointing on the items. i was so embarrased and just tried to get the hell out of there as fast as i can.
on the other hand, (still about phones) disney mobile markets 10-15 year olds and parents. cool features include gps technology in where parents can map location of kids from their phone or pc. able to set up monthly spending limits and what times and days the kid can make phone calls. other thing is when the parent calls (family manager), and you are on the line talking to somebody, it drops that call and lets thru the family manager.
pretty cool eh!

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