house hunter
after being here in SAT for a while...what? seven years? we finally decided to buy a house. we should have done this long time ago, to at least make money if we decided to sell it after. as of now, there's no hope getting us out of here and i think i got use to this metropolis now. i'm tired of it, i've seen all the places i need to see, been almost to all the good restaurants and am even tired of SAT food. but it's not really a bad place to be at and live in. of course i can go and visit places i want to, not as easy with the baby but i can still can. probably can't afford a month long vacation in europe anymore and stay in a hotel in champs-elysées, amsterdam, and germany. not for awhile, nope, unless we get stationed there. wow. we have done that because it was both our dream to visit europe. and we only live once...what the hell!
we have seen one house that we really like, not our dream house but it's pretty big enough for us and plus my mom who'll be staying with us for good i hope. it's in a swanky neighborhood, gated and close to where i work at. hopefully everything will go through with financing and stuff and maybe at the end of the month we'll be able to have our own house we can call home. i'm crossing my fingers.
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