dr kost called the other day and informed me of the ct results of my mom. there's about 2-3 cm along the colon that they think is cancer. at this time he said that they'll just have to watch it closely before he does anything else. i haven't mentioned anything to mom yet. i want her to enjoy her vacation. it's been a year since she got so sick and went thru her chemo, it was devastating for me, i' m sure its hell to her.
i cry. i hate. i express. i gossip. i snore. i cuddle. i sing. i read. i pray. i work. i eavesdrop. i remember. i dream. i help. i nag. i hope. i love. i decieve. i wait. i observe. i fear. i envy. i sacrifice. i abide. i give. i disobey. i understand. i indulge. i write. i discern. i smoke. i belong. i care. i listen. i ignore. i differ. i cuss. i save. i value. i fail. i drink. i bitch.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
having so much fun with my vacation. spending time with arend and pong and not worrying about waking up to go to work or not hurrying up after getting out of bed to get out of my pajamas. taking time to drink my coffee, preparing breakfast. window shopping all day until we're tired. (uh yea!) the shops at la cantera opened up friday, it was packed (human traffic everywhere) and shops are outdoor except for the 4 main stores. it was 100+ degrees and after my derma works, i can't tolerate, i was burning.
anyway, pong finally got his car. sparkling graphite 325i 2006 ( brag alert ), and he got what he wanted. i insisted black but it's his car so...
i was so excited and i can see that he's very happy with it.
he calls his new toy
...katas ng iraq!

Monday, September 12, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
katrina aftermath
slept for so many hours until i couldn't sleep more.
expecting to work for two days but i called in and was cancelled the next since the unit's census is low. most big easy patients are still on the medical or renal floor. i surfed the internet and cnn news, checkin' what's been happening while my eyes shut. aside from the painful gas prices...[ spent 45 and change for a full tank ], the city is busy accommodating new orleans citizen. establishments and companies opening jobs just for victims and reassuring that licensure and investigations for job hunters will be expedite, rescue teams are non-stop searching for survivors bringing them to town, families being accommodated by ranchers, more survivors receiving debit cards for necessities, kelly usa being rebuilt into a new city.
i have few more days to wait until the love of my life comes back.
last time we talked, we reminished the days when we were in new orleans. the bourbon street, the french quarter, harrah's casino,lafayette cemetery, the cafe du monde's cafe au lait and beignets [yum*]. it would take years to rebuild the city, before we can experience the french & creole cuisine, swamp tours, the garden district, the voodoo tours and vampire and ghost hunting. new orleans is not just jazz and festivals. it's a mixture of culture and heritage. so many great things here. i miss it already and i'm not even from there, what more if i am.
vintage shots at N'awlins!

Sunday, September 04, 2005
2 days in a row i worked and the casulaties from louisiana comes in buses, helicopters and ambulances, just non-stop. taking them to all the major hospitals here in SAT. disaster victims comes in and requesting food, bath and clothes. unbelievable how many of them are here leaving their homes and all their stuffs washed off by the hurricane. so sad, to think that in the end, you realize that nothing is really important. everything you worked hard for, can be taken away in a blink. we are blessed that we are not there in that place at that time. thank god.