Sunday, November 30, 2003

last samurai

this would be my most awaited movie to be seen this year, in addition to the 'return of the king'. we missed the premier last night since all tickets were sold out.
instead of shopping this weekend, we decided to just window shop for some furniture. i hate crowds, seems all the parking lots at the mall were packed. and ofcourse i can't shop for any clothes at this time since i'm gonna be due pretty soon. i'll wait 'till i loose all this excess pounds i gained. my tummy is so big now. i'm in my third trimester and gained almost 20 lbs. whew! i get tired so easy too. i hate walking long distances. everytime i do to malls, i end up looking for stuff for the baby and the house. i should be starting to re-decor our house getting ready for holidays, and my mom and my baby's arrival. not to mention my family coming over for christmas. thanksgiving went fine, lots of visitors, more than we expected. we won't be throwing party as much after having the baby. our plans of baptismal will be in virginia, then his first b-day will be in philippines. i'm excited already.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

pacquiao knocks out veteran former champ barrera

manny pacquiao in san antonio. the game was awesome! galeng talaga! our only regret was not watching it live from the alamodome. some people we know invited and tried to sell us some tickets, but the fear of being beaten up by barrera's mexican fans (thousands mexicans) watchin' in alamodome stopped us and we all decided to watch live on tv. very good game. all our friends here. everybody was shouting and excited during the game. since mexican barrera is here, backed up by fellow la hoya, with texan judges in the mexican territory. we thought game was over as soon as it started but every barrera's fan was shocked by manny's speed and confidence. the model-like face of barrera before the game was all puffy and blood after. manny was booed since the start, and why did he even wore spurs jersey...he must have gotten it from shoppin' down the river walk. barrera should now be switchin' to steam rice insteads of eatin' all that taco. hehe.

Friday, November 07, 2003

temperature's dropping here in's about time. i love winter! of course we don't see snow here, so 50 deg is just perfect. i've been very lazy just dozing until noon time. then after eating brunch...i search the internet for cute stuff's for decorating nursery. we don't have a spare room for a nursery but baby's gonna stay with us in our room. our extra room will be for my mom when she gets here. i registered at babies'r'us already but i don't know who's throwing a baby shower for me. it would be very nice if somebody does and of course it will be unappropriate to throw one for my self. well, we'll see.
i have been searchin' about atkin's diet and pilates on the internet. i need to get on some kind of diet after givin' birth. i already gain 17 pounds, i'm hoping it's more for the baby and not extra fats. i'm wondering if dancing otso-otso would help. it's just crazy and looks so funny dancing otso-otso while pregnant. i could'ny stop laughing seeing my self on the mirror. anyway, i find aubrey miles so cute doin' that move. she still cannot dance, but she's so cute. i find her more appealing than cindy and mickey even thou they have pretty face.
i'm working this weekend and be busy the following. have a nice one!

Monday, November 03, 2003


our halloween party was a success. the little kids in our block knockin' door to door wearing their costumes. the whole compound was shut down for incoming vehicles. it was a 3 hour trick or treatin'. we still have like 5 packages of chocolate and candies and i'll end up eating those by myself. i did'nt take pictures since there might be a problem with exposing little kids and i did'nt wanna get in trouble and besides, i still have the pictures from europe in my camera. just downloaded some with yahoo.