month of may is almost gone. another year added to my age. i hate growing old. i'm not over feeling young. still need so much things to do. no regrets with life thou. all my time's well spent. i am happy with my new job, seems i am more relaxed physically but the load of work mentally is exhausting. just new rules, policies, paper works, etc.etc. that i'm unfamiliar at this time. hey! but change is good. i'm very well paid i suppose. was happy to see my first paycheck, for 25 educational hours almost got a g! i was jumping with joy, hope everything works out.
arend and mama went to virginia last monday. i miss my boo! he's enjoying company of our other relatives in VA. my neglected lala had all the attention today from me and pong. she even had a bubble bath. just chillin', working hard this week as usual but i'm trying to pack all my give-aways for arend's christening. still not finish distributing all these invitations. hay!