ate bren and tito resty were here since thanksgiving, arrived at night while the barkada were already here at home celebrating. mama was transfered to bamc hospital the 19th friday for insurance purposes. she was already doing well just with tpn. had to continue for weeks, maybe months. she was out of bamc since 24th. i set up her tpn and give her medications. today was her second course of chemotherapy at bamc. the facility is nice.lot better than uhs. hoping everything will be fine. during her chemo, we ran to san marcos outlet mall to buy some stuff. unluckily,it was hard to buy stuff for myself. i got about 10 outfits for mama, with some shawls,bonnets and bag. mostly winter stuff. i did'nt get a chance to get anything for me,arend and pong. maybe next time. got a lot of things to do. i have'nt started my christmas shopping, maybe people will understand how busy i am. all my wish for christmas is my mom's health and as well as everybody that i love.