this time of year starts summer vacation in the phil. march is graduation month. oohrah! to the new grads. to new college grads, welcome to the world of unemployment (sigh*). i remember the days, the long lonely days of unemployment in the province that is. just don't know what to do as the days goes by. just bumming around the house, doing some cross-stitching, strollin' sa palengke, get manicure and pedicure or hair cut, eat halo-halo in the afternoon with my friend or my cousin. sometimes go to clark or manila to window shop (no money then to go shopping'). but those were the good old days. i miss those days. at this time of my life. you can't just waste time. in fact, not enough time for anything.
ron's mom passed on thursday. which i only learned from cris saturday, while on our way to houston. got hold of veronica sunday morning. she sounded so hurt and sad, (of course that's her mom, i can just imagine her crying everynite). had a chance to go to the viewing monday. weather was gloomy and damp. traffic was so bad. viewing was in a small little town ~ castroville. burial was tuesday but i could'nt make it because of mom's chemo.
yesterday's chemo was fast but my mom complained of her spotting for few days now so dr kost examined her after chemo. he found a tumor behind the vaginal opening which is approx. golf size. he was certain that this was'nt there before. mom was'nt surprise and actually commented that "let my new tumor meet my colon and pancreatic tumor, and say hi to each other." then laughed. it's not funny but i'm glad that she's accepting the fact that she will not get cured, cancer will be there no matter what.
driving back from castroville monday, rick from reeves called me (left message on my voicemail) and offering me my job back. joy must have given him my cel no. (
dammit* i never give my cel no. to people from work...
it's a NO NO) he learned about my boss carlos leaving a.r.u. and since rick knows that he was the reason i transfered over there and now that he's gone, (he thinks) i might consider going back to reeves (which i considered really!) so when i spoke to him, asking why and ofcourse the
pay??? (my thick face, ingrate,
mukhang pera)...the
PaYolla is very important. hellooooo! after telling me the amount, he then added...'not much ha!' (damn! he knows me...tsk tsk*) then i said, nah it's ok and i really don't care about the pay (
yea right!) but i'm going on vacation in may for a month. (then added...) but if you really really need one right now, " my previous boss (i know he heard about it already coz' i told joy about it and it's like anouncing it on national tv...i actually called gertrude from nights and confirmed that joy told everybody! ) is looking for a staff position not administrative and had put in application." i added more marinate on his abilities and presonality which i assured him 100%. i hope he calls him. as for me, i don't know. just go with the flow.
i uploaded some pics of arend while lola's having her chemo sessions
march 28 ~ at the hospital's patio gave me an actual cheeze smile. love this photo, he looks big in this pix
march 21 ~ watching video while munchin' in oreo thincrisp at the oncology waiting area
march 7 ~ 3rd floor's clinic waiting area listening toshakira's
feb 28 ~ oncology waiting roomLabels: arend